Whelehans pharmacys aisling murray discusses the worst foods to eat at lunch

Last week I discussed some healthy food choices at lunch. This week I discuss what you should avoid.

Fast food – Chips are very difficult to digest due to the amount of fat present in them, draining energy levels and reducing productivity for the rest of your day. Having a burger on its own is not the worst thing you could eat, but it’s the bread, cheese, mayonnaise and ketchup that we add which makes it unhealthy.

Eating fatty fast food at lunch can mean you are ingesting anywhere between 800 – 1300 calories on average and 43 – 60g of fat. We should not be eating more than 70g of fat daily. Fast food offers little or no energy and can increase cholesterol and weight if eaten regularly.

Premade sandwiches – The majority of convenience shops sell pre-packaged sandwiches. They may seem harmless enough and what can be wrong with a sandwich you may think? The issue is that these types of sandwich usually contain preservatives to prolong their shelf life and keep them intact until they reach the shop. Some varieties of pre-packaged sandwiches contain high levels of salt, sugar and fat.

There are some sandwiches on the market that contain as much fat as a McDonalds big mac burger and as much as 25g of sugar (if containing chutneys etc.) and more than 4.7g of salt. Always check the label. It’s recommended to buy a sandwich that needs to be prepared at a deli or make your own at home. Avoid too much extra sauces as they pile on the calories and are high in sugar and salt.

White bread – There are a number of us who are not aware of how unhealthy white bread actually is. It is a processed bread after all and contains high levels of sugar and empty calories (offers you little or no energy or nutrition).On the glycaemic index (I have an article on this topic so ask in store for more info), glucose is 100 and this is what we compare all other foods to.

The closer the food is to 100 on the glycaemic index (GI) scale the more likely it is to cause a quick energy crash and weight gain. White bread has a reading of 79 and white rolls have a reading of 95 on the glycaemic index (GI) scale. Opt for multi grain or whole grain bread which is lower GI (at a reading of 48) and or corn tortillas (with a reading of 52). Lower GI foods like these will keep fuller for longer and you will avoid spikes and dips in your blood sugar levels.

Other foods to avoid - Avoid overeating the following at lunch: muffins, white bagels, pizza slices, big dinners (go for the half portion option), fried food and packet soup (high in salt)

Don’t forget to incorporate a small snack 2 – 3 hours after your lunch to keep you going before dinner. This can be anything from a yoghurt and fruit, to a handful of nuts, or a Rivita cracker and spreadable cheese. Just make sure like with your breakfast, lunch and dinner that the snacks you eat are healthy.

Weekly weigh in clinic

Currently I am offering a weight loss program where your BMI and waist measurement is calculated and I check your weight weekly. You get tips and motivation weekly to help you lose weight all at a great weekly rate of €10 per week. Drop into the pharmacy for more details regarding this program or call Aisling at 044 9334591.


Whelehans Nutrition Service

Whelehans nutritional service is a private one to one advice service with our nutritionist Aisling Murray. Aisling’s areas of interest include weight loss management, nutrition education and food intolerance. Our nutrition service offers you the chance to change your life in a positive way by focusing on your overall wellbeing as well as the chance to follow up on your progress.


Aisling Murray has a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and offers a one to one specialist nutrition service at Whelehans Pharmacy. Call Whelehans at 04493 34591 for an appointment