Delvin 'Garradrimna' Book Fair

Delvin ‘Garradrimna’  Book Fair

Enter your story for this year’s competition

Planning for Ireland’s largest one-day book fair continues ahead of the May 1 date.

The Delvin ‘Garradrimna’ Book Fair is a constantly growing event and about 30,000 books are expected to be collected, meaning that 2016 will have the biggest selection of books in the event’s six years.

Some 3,000 people are expected to attend, and writer and TV presenter Manchán Magan and RTÉ Lyric FM Presenter Éamonn Lawlor will read extracts and short stories.

In previous years, people such as Senator David Norris and actress Mary McEvoy have been the readers.

As well as guest readers there will be music, singing and the familiar trade and craft fair.

The fair is also an excellent opportunity for newly published authors and those who are still waiting to be published to have their stories read and for an audience to enjoy them.

Michael Murphy, one of the organisers of the event, said: “The fair has become a major centrepiece and midland event. It is meant to commemorate Brinsley MacNamara’s novel, Valley of the Squinting Windows, which is where the ‘Garradrimna ‘part of the name comes from.”

All books at the fair cost €1 each, and the proceeds go towards funding the Delvin Sports and Leisure Centre.

Mr Murphy believes that about 80pc of the crowds come from outside Delvin, though there is always great a great turnout and support from the locals: “It is a big event and wouldn’t be made possible without the community and the volunteers who help,” he said.

The Westmeath Examiner is again supporting a short story competition in conjunction with the fair, and the winning entries (senior and junior) will be read on the day.

The competition is open to everyone and those interested in writing a story can send entries to the Westmeath Examiner, Blackhall Place, Mullingar, or post them online at until Tuesday March 29.

The stories must be between 1500 and 2000 words and start with ‘The street remained vacant...’.

Keep up to date with the book fair on Facebook at Delvin Garradrimna Book Fair. If you would like to donate books or get involved, contact Michael Murphy at 087 940 9913.