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'Millions' to be announced for regeneration of Blackhall and Canal Avenue

An investment in the millions is to be announced for two major regeneration projects in Mullingar today, Monday

“The Government is announcing investment for the Blackhall area and for the regeneration of the Canal Avenue area,” Deputy Peter Burke has told The Westmeath Examiner.

The more significant of the two plans, that for Blackhall, could see resurrection of some of the ideas that formed part of the now-shelved “Central” proposal of the mid-noughties.

The grant aid is likely to prompt the purchase by Westmeath County Council of the large tract of land originally forming part of the “Central” plan, advertised for sale in May by the Dublin firm Savill’s.

A proposal for the Blackhall area drawn up as part of the submission by Westmeath County Council for funding suggested the area could become home to “multi-storey apartments” together with commercial and retail elements – and two significant extras – an “innovation/business hub” and a civic plaza.

While there is likely to be some provision for mixed use development at Canal Avenue, the main focus is likely to be on residential development, and provision of a walkway along the River Brosna..

“This fund is intended for key areas that are in need of regeneration,“ said Deputy Burke, stating that the decision to provide grant aid for both of the Mullingar proposals submitted by Westmeath County Council would be a major boost to the town.

The Blackhall area of Mullingar is a key area for future development and this regeneration funding will ensure it is under the control of Westmeath County Council and planned in a sustainable manner. “

The Canal Avenue and Environs Regeneration Project is aimed at creating “a highly sustainable and integrated residential quarter which supports and encourages economic, social and community development, maximises connectivity to and enhancement of both the River Brosna and the Royal Canal,” the document states.

The idea is for a “vibrant mixed use urban scheme”, and the council envisages some commercial use, but largely the provision of accommodation that can be adapted and designed to meet the needs of older persons.