The Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar.

Challenge encouraging teens to go to 12 Masses during Lent

Some people see Lent as the ideal time to ‘give up’ something that will benefit their bodies – but the parish of Mullingar wants people to consider instead taking up something that will benefit their souls.

To set the ball rolling, the parish has devised the ‘12 Mass Challenge’, which encourages participants to go to Mass on the seven Sundays of Lent and five other Masses over the course of the 40 days.

The 12 Mass challenge is specifically geared towards the age group of eight to 18 years of age.

Those taking part can either get a ‘sign up’ card from their schools or download one from the parish Facebook page and website.

They get the cards signed by a priest when they attend Mass during Lent.

The youngsters who complete the task will be invited to Mass on Easter Sunday at 11am for a certificate presentation.

“This is a Mass challenge; however, having said that, to take part in any challenge one needs support, so if you are outside the age group your challenge for lent is to encourage and support our community of eight years to 18-year-olds to attend 12 Masses throughout the Lenten period,” says Maria Kelly, a member of the recently formed parish pastoral team.

“As a parent it’s a fantastic challenge for our children during the Lenten period,” she continues, pointing out that family life is becoming more demanding and busy, children are involved in so many different activities and for a parent it’s usually a drop and go system.

“The 12 Mass challenge is going to give the parent and child the opportunity to do something together, being present in the company of your child uninterrupted for this time over the coming weeks and sharing in the word of God and prayer will be invaluable to the growth of faith for both you and your child.”

Grandparents too in their role as faith givers can encourage their grandchildren to take part in the 12 Mass challenge.

The parish pastoral team, preparing the challenge, considered that reflection, mindfulness, meditation, these are all words we are extremely familiar with.

“Attending the 12 Mass challenge will help those participating to realise that these qualities are incorporated in our Mass every day,” says Maria.

“We are always looking for new opportunities to bring positivity to our lives and this definitely is one not to be missed. So maybe instead of your children giving up sweets this year they can take on the 12 Mass challenge.”