Second from left, Noel Leonard, RIP, proprietor of Leonard’s shop, Clonmellon; Margaret (surname not known), RIP, and Marty Whelan, host of the Fame and Fortune game show. We don't know the name of the man on the left.

Do you know the lady in this photo?

Áine Leonard from Leonard’s shop is looking to locate the family of the lady in the photo (above), and asks people to share it around if possible.

Áine said: “All I know is her first name was Margaret (she has since passed away). She was from Northern Ireland and used to visit Mullingar sometimes.

"Her daughter called to the shop a couple of years ago wondering if we had any photo of the time her mother was on Fame and Fortune, as she had bought the ticket in the shop.

"We didn’t, but we have since come across this photo and maybe she would like to have it.

"Thanks everyone!”