Belvedere House, photo by John Root; funding has been made available for the treatment of invasive alien species at the Belvedere grounds.

Ten local biodiversity projects awarded funding

Minister Noonan announces €2.8 million funding awarded for local biodiversity projects

Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan, TD, has announced that €2.8 million has been awarded to local authorities to carry out biodiversity projects through the Local Biodiversity Action Fund (LBAF).

Funds awarded to Westmeath County Council

Treatment of Invasive Alien Plan Species at Belvedere Gardens and Park, €26,000

Implementation of Biodiversity Plan for Coolure Demesne, (council owned lands), €7,000

Robinstown Area Biodiversity Project Feasibility Study, €4,250

County Wetland Surveys 2022 and 2023 consolidated report with recommendations, €3,973

Management for biodiversity on council owned land, €20,000

Barn Owl Conservation Westmeath 2024, €2,571

Westmeath Hedgerow Survey, Part 2, South of the County, €17,000

Biodiversity Training, Events, Equipment, Resources, €14,000

In Your Nature Podcast, 2024 Series, €3,967

Recording Irish mayfly – establishing conservation status, €1,289

Established in 2018, the fund was created to assist local authorities in the implementation of actions in support of biodiversity. Just over €8.6m has been granted to local authorities through the LBAF since the scheme launched.

Minister Noonan said: “The benefits realised by the locally-led projects created through this fund are shared by all of us, not least local communities.

"As more and more biodiversity officers join the ranks of our local authorities through the Biodiversity Officer Programme, I know that the benefits for nature and people that this fund provide are only going to grow.

"I congratulate the successful applicants and wish them the very best of luck in the implementation of their projects this year.”