Emma Smith, Mia Brady and Leanne Harris, Navan with Naoise Elliot, Killally at IMC Cinema in Mullingar to see One Direction's new movie on Thursday.

Photo Gallery: First Screening of One Direction This Is Us

Not only did we catch up with Niall Horans mam, Maura Gallagher, but we also got to meet fellow Mullingar One Directioners as they became the first audience Mullignar IMC had for their hometown celeb Niall Horans bands movie This Is Us.

Pictured below are Mullingar fans who pre-booked their tickets, to avoid disappointment, to see the movie first in Mullingar IMC.

We met people who travelled from as far as Birmingham & even Canada so they could soak up the movie excitement in Nialls hometown.

Just incase you didn't get to listen to our mini interview with Niall mam Maura here's the clip again. Simply click on the link to listen

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