Fr Patrick Moore blessing the Loving Memory tribute roses.

Remembering together community tribute in Castlepollard

Me Auld Flower and Mrs Bouquet, George and Pauline Smyth of Castlepollard have gifted seven ‘Loving Memory’ Roses to the community.

One rose is to be planted in the square, and the remaining six will be planted on each of the six roads out of the town, in memory of those who are gone before us in the parish of Castlepollard, the surrounding community, and beyond.

“When each rose blooms, we will be reminded that we are all remembering an immense loss together and take some comfort from knowing that others are thinking of and remembering our loved ones with us,” said Pauline.

Pauline Smyth of Me Auld Flower and Mrs Bouquet with pupils from St Michael’s NS, Castlepollard at the blessing.

At the blessing of the parish cribs at the square and in the church grounds December 18, Fr Patrick Moore kindly blessed the roses, and the pupils from St Michael’s NS, Castlepollard Parochial School, and Castlepollard Community College braved the weather with their teachers and the local community to sing carols for the occasion.

Sincere thanks to all who helped make it happen and to the Fás workers who have offered to plant the roses.

Also, thanks to Mary Brady and Westmeath County Council for planning permission for the planting of the remembrance tributes.